Single Review: How Much Sadness Can You Swallow? by Maya Yenn

Cinematic and eerily haunting from the first note, Maya Yenn captures an energy not easily recreated in new track “How Much Sadness Can You Swallow?” Debuting yesterday and only her second single to date, the singer-songwriter has already seen massive success with the new release. Following up her debut single “tiptoe,” the genre non-conforming artist has managed to create a style flourishing and overflowing with intricate melodies, symphonious harmonies, and an extraterresetrial energy. 

Maya Yenn

Maya Yenn

The singer-songwriter is no stranger to exploring these dark themes within music. The new track was actually written in response to a dream in which she saw ‘a vision of hell.’ Described as a darkened nursery rhyme, Yenn's unique vocals complement the style flawlessly. 

Years ago, I had this vivid nightmare where I woke up in this old house and couldn’t remember who I was or why I was there. I was banging on doors and windows to try and escape but nobody could hear me and I realised I was in hell living the same day over and over again, my memories wiped overnight. It really stayed with me.
— Maya Yenn on "How Much Sadness Can You Swallow?"

The theatricality of the track is unmatched, with an ever-forward pressing bass line carrying the melodies before expanding into the chorus allowing the strength and tension of Yenn’s vocals to explode in a whimsical catharsis. With a forthcoming music video to follow, Yenn shares that the track and video are both heavily influenced by contemporary horror and sci-fi cinema, which drive the production and inspirations. 

“I wanted the energy in the song to feel manic, somewhere between threat and celebration. Kind of like how you feel at the end of watching Midsommar (2019) or Annihilation (2018),” Yenn shares, “We really want to have that same energy in the music video too. Allegorical horror and sci-fi are big influences for me so it will be nice to pay a tribute to that.” 

“How Much Sadness Can You Swallow?” Lyric Video

To keep up with the rising singer-songwriter, be sure to check out her Instagram @Maya.Yenn 

Review by: April Bredael


Single Review: Walking on the Moon by Edd Ward


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