Q&A: Michael Day

Can you introduce yourself?

Hello, I'm Mike.
I have a really lovely wifey, and we have two doggos and I live in Perth Western Australia.
I also write music.

Can you describe "Nan and Pop's House" in three words?

'Nostalgic', 'Reflective', and 'Nana'

What were the first and last parts of "Nan and Pop's House" to be written?

The first part was the acoustic guitar riff.
The last part was probably the effects-loaded harmonica.

What’s your favorite lyric or production element of "Nan and Pop's House"?

My favourite lyric would probably be 'We're all scared little children, just hoping for a parent who cares for us'.

Did you learn anything new about yourself while creating this song?

I learnt how to mourn. My grandparents passed away 3 days apart in January 2023 just before this song was completed. It wrecks me to sing it.

Is there a certain place that you feel the most creative in?

Unfortunatley, between 1 and 2 am I can write music so freely and creatively but I try not to stay up to those early hours as it breaks my sleep patterns. So catch 22 hah!
A more specific place would be the bush or by the beach.

What was on your playlist as you worked on "Nan and Pop's House"?

I didn't really have one specifically for this track to be honest. I had a bunch of Mumford and Sons and Josh Pyke and Gregory Alan Isakov as influences in some ways that I'd refer to.

If you could transport listeners to the perfect location to hear "Nan and Pop's House" for the first time, what would that place be?

That place would be my grandparents property as its just so stunning! It's the place that has been a source of comfort to me over the years and because of that features in the music video we just released! So, if you can't get to my grandparents, there's always YouTube.

If you had to describe your music to someone who couldn’t hear, how would you describe it?

Sign language.
Too dark?
Umm I guess I would use words like moody, dark, glimmers of hope, twangy, bouncy, guitary, and other words that end in y.

What comes next for you?

February 9th 'Morning Coffee' is our next single release :)
Then March-ish will be 'Scars'!
Esentially we're looking at releasing a bunch more music this year :)

Make sure to listen to Nan and Pop’s House on Spotify and follow Michael Day on Instagram to keep up with him!


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