Review: Gold Rush by The Upsides

Review by Isabelle Turner


The Upsides are soon to be your favorite summertime band, with their debut release “Gold Rush”. The New York-based group has strutted onto the music scene with a sense of ease and released two singles that are sure to boost your mood. 

“Gold Rush” is the perfect track to boost your mood and screams good vibes. This track blends beautifully into the indie-rock scene and The Upsides’ positive energy is contagious. Their polished and mesmerizing vocals and instrumentals truly emphasize the band’s talent. Shortly after their debut single “Gold Rush”, the group released another single “Holy Water” which shows the mastery that they have over this genre. The Upsides beautifully layer in guitar and a beat to mimic sunny surf-rock. 

“Gold Rush” is the perfect song for summer and beachside drives with the windows down. Expect The Upsides to continue to make uplifting hits that are sure to bring positive energy into our lives. 

Stream “Gold Rush” here and be sure to follow The Upsides on Instagram.


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